
    I used to have a pet, she was called Ketcha, a really pretty and beautiful cat that was rescued from

a trash can. Some douchebag threw a lot of baby cats in a public trash can and a veterinary student

rescued them and he took them to the university, where the cats were treated and then given in

adoption. I got a white fluffy cat that I called ketcha.


She was rude, her attitude really hard and aggressive. No one could touch her, no cat, no Dog,

no human, except for me and my sister. We were the only ones allowed by her to pet her. 

But at the same time she was so elegant, straight posture, she judged you with her sight,

she was a total diva. One interesting thing tho was that she acted pretty much like a dog, she

liked to follow me everywhere i went and go out to the streets like a dog. She was so unique.  

But one Christmas when we as a family went out at look for Santa, as we went back home

Ketcha disappeared and never came back. We looked for her for weeks but that was useless. 

Still to this day we have no idea of what could have happened to her. We really miss her a lot.


  1. This story is so sad men, i hope some family adopted her and for this reason you do not find her. u.u

  2. Oh, I feel so sorry about it :( I love the diva cats and it was very beautiful!!!

  3. That's so sad 😢 It's hard to lose our pets

  4. Cats that are elegant and graceful are very funny, I also feel judged by their look.
    Too bad she got lost :(


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