

I would love to visit France, my dream is to be in Paris at the 2024 Olympics and watch the whole event there. Also i would like to visit the french alps and normandy. 

Since I was in school I have been really interested in history and all of these important human events that have changed the world in one or more ways. It was in France that the basis for the republics were founded, and that process (the french revolution) changed the world forever to basically make it like what it is right now. 

An other huge important moment in the history, the operation overlord (Battle of normandy) happend in france, and it's objective was to liberate France from the Nazi occupation. It was the biggest ever in history deployment of troops in an militar operation.

The historicity of this country fascinates me and I want to hear the stories by themselves. Also i would love to get to know the french alps because a french friend of mine showed me pics of a trip that she did over there, and it’s the most beautiful thing i have seen.


  1. thanks you for chearing whit ass your knowlenge about France history

  2. Traveling to France would definitely be a cultural trip. I hope you will be there for the 2024 Olympics!


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