Filmmaking! (and maybe VR)

Sometime ago just by casuality i met some videographers because i joined a friend to a filming. I’m also studying that, but they're already working in the real world. The thing is that I helped in the filming as a gaffer and I loved it! Then we shared contacts and we went home. I followed them on instagram and they share a lot of what they're doing. They show their camera rigs, the lighting, locations, and having a lot of fun and holy moly, i want to do that. My plan is to do my professional practise with them and then stay for some experience.

Currently I'm studying Cinema and Tv and I'm working on some title projects as a DP (Director of Photography). And what i love the most is that we travel a lot as a team to locations in different places of Chile. I love to work outdoors with a lot of people as a team, and I would like to do this for a big part of the rest of my life.

But at the same time, currently I'm working in investigations and developing content for VR (Virtual Reality). Actually I'm in the process of programming a video game. It feels a lot like computer engineering and programming with arts, but I also love this! 
But this work is way more indoors and screen time demanding, so idk if i’ll keep up with this in the future, even though i feel a lot of passion for this.


  1. know of new places when you filming is one of the best part.

  2. Hi there! I think mixed work (indoor and outdoor) could be the best because you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Greetings!

  3. I hope I can play your video game sometime

  4. It´s very interesting when the production companies or audiovisual teams share what they do!
    It sounds funny what you say about making a video game :)

  5. A video game? Woow that’s great bro, keep it up!!

  6. wow programming a video game sounds difficult but so interesting

  7. WOOOW are you seriously programming a video game? I wish I could play it when it's ready.

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