
Showing posts from September, 2021


Brasil!!!! Brazil is the best of the best, I don't have any other words to describe it. In 2019 just before the pandemic i went over there with my family in the carnaval times for two weeks. Rio to be exact and Jesus, the vibe over there is another thing, for real.                         The energy of the people, the landscapes, the music, the beach, the food, the city itself, love it. Everything is covered in green, there is so much vegetation in the streets and all in this cold deep green not like the yellowish light green we see over here in Santiago. But, the only thing that may be an issue, even exhausting for some, was the weather. On one of the days I was over there, the temperature reached 42°C in mid day, and at night like 23:00 PM the temperature reached 30° C. It's just crazy. But with the beach, some Caipirinhas, food, a lot of sun screen, and music, the weather doesn't matter anymore. And the best thing is t...


France! I would love to visit France, my dream is to be in Paris at the 2024 Olympics and watch the whole event there. Also i would like to visit the french alps and normandy.  Since I was in school I have been really interested in history and all of these important human events that have changed the world in one or more ways. It was in France that the basis for the republics were founded, and that process (the french revolution) changed the world forever to basically make it like what it is right now.  An other huge important moment in the history, the operation overlord (Battle of normandy) happend in france, and it's objective was to liberate France from the Nazi occupation. It was the biggest ever in history deployment of troops in an militar operation. The historicity of this country fascinates me and I want to hear the stories by themselves. Also i would love to get to know the french alps because a french friend of mine showed me pics of a trip that she did over there, ...